Creative Ways To Spend Less On Groceries

As inflation continues it’s merciless rise 10’s of millions of consumers are looking to save money while still putting good food on the table. There are plenty of easy methods to achieve this and I wanted to mention a few while also suggesting a good article, I’ll link that up below.

The weekly circular from your local store is a great way to save, often times the items they have on sale are not things we would eat but always at least 1-3 items are. Like canned tomatoes, or pasta, or tunafish for example. It make sense to stock up in items like these that store well and buy a bunch of them.

I have a very large storage pantry yet each trip to the store I will identify items that I use that are on sale and buy multiples of them….and put them away. No this is not a large investment, maybe I spend an extra $15 dollars but this adds up over time and before you know it you have built a large pantry, and saved money because you can be certain most items will cost more a few months from now.

Just the other day good pasta was on sale, I bought 10 more pounds to add to my stockpile which is over 100 lbs now. Remember, pasta is very filling and 1 lb can feed 4-5 people especially if you add some ground beef, tuna, chicken etc. The overall cost of meals where pasta (or rice or beans) is the main starch can be very low.

Juxt oppose a meal like this to any restaurant or take out meal and the savings can be substantial. Even quick service meals like a sub or Chipotle bowl can top $10-$4 thee days. A meal of pasta can cost 2-4 per serving, saving you big time!

Many of the meals contained within Food Storage Feast are built with these facts in mind. Nutritious food does not have to be expensive with a little planning.

Whether you're on a tight budget or simply looking to save some extra cash, there are plenty of creative ways to eat healthy without breaking the bank. One clever strategy is meal planning and prepping. By mapping out your meals for the week, you can create a shopping list that avoids impulse purchases and ensures you buy only what you need. Another tip is to explore more affordable protein options such as beans, lentils, and eggs, which are not only nutritious but also cost-effective. Additionally, buying fruits and vegetables in season will save you money and provide fresher produce. Lastly, don't underestimate the power of leftovers – repurposing yesterday's dinner into a new, exciting meal not only prevents waste but also keeps your grocery bill in check. With a little creativity, you can successfully navigate the grocery store while maintaining both your health and your savings.

A good article with tips to save on groceries.


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